

Freehold Soil Conservation District works to raise public awareness about watersheds, water quality, and non-point source pollution. One part of this effort includes FREE demonstrations. Our Education Coordinator will visit your school or group, within Middlesex and Monmouth Counties, to demonstrate the effects of non-point source pollution using a tabletop Enviroscape model.

The Enviroscape is a useful hands-on tool helpful in explaining non-point source pollution (NPS). NPS is pollution from runoff created when it rains. This pollution results from everyday activities such as fertilizing the lawn, walking your dog, changing motor oil, and littering. When it rains, the pollutants are washed into storm-drains that flow to our streams, rivers, lakes, and ocean.

The Enviroscape can also be borrowed from the District for use at your own event. Training on how-to-use the Enviroscape can also be arranged.

To schedule an Enviroscape demonstration or to borrow the unit please contact Holly Reynolds at (732) 683-8500 or email at hreynolds@nullfreeholdscd.org.

Click here to download the Enviroscape details flyer.